Sunday, February 1, 2009

Blah blah blah.

No news, really. Well, actually, I'm starting a new job at California Pizza Kitchen. I know, I know, I swore I would never go back to the restaurant biz, and I forsake my Shoes for Crews and order pad. But then, January hit. Well, actually, my stupidity hit. I don't know what I was thinking, thinking that two stupid, minimum wage retail jobs would cut it. I guess I thought that I would instantly create a huge network of clientelle and have weddings to shoot every weekend and never have to fill out another job application again. Not so. So anyway, I was working what felt like a ton, especially in December. Victoria's Secret and Williams-Sonoma were both really busy, and I never wanted for hours. However, the paychecks were still less-than-satisfactory, since I was just making minimum wage plus some change.

Then comes January.

As soon as Christmas was over, business dropped - big time - in the retail industry. I haven't been scheduled to work at WS in about a month. They do these things called "on-calls," where you have to call two hours before the start of that shift and see if they need you or not. Technically, my position at WS is called a "casual associate," so they can schedule me as little or as much as they want to. Well, all I've gotten is on-calls, and they haven't had me come in for about a month now. VS still scheduled me here and there each week, but they didn't have the hours to give to us, so I was lucky that I got any at all.

Ideally, I'd work at Islands, since I know the menu and everything. But, since Brett's a manager there, and corporate policy says a manager cannot date or be married to an employee, I can't work there. Lame. And since we're sharing a car right now, it makes things a lot easier that we both already work at the mall. Luckily, there are other restaurants at the Del Monte Center. One of Brett's bartenders also works at CPK, and he got me the job. They say that the servers there are making decent money. So yeah. I'm a waitress again. Yippy skippy.

Meg, I loved that post about Britney Spears! May I suggest a replacement? This one dances WAY better, she doesn't embarrass herself publicly, and she actually writes her own music! She is a little liberal politically, but hey, we can't all be perfect, right? haha... Oh yeah, and she can actually sing, and doesn't just breathe and hiccup into the mic. And I love her. And I love this song. It's probably one of the prettiest songs I've ever heard. I like to sing it. Singing along with her songs helps my spanish accent, too. Her hips just don't lie! They never do! Ever! What more of an example could you want than a high-profile girl who is proud of her non-washboard stomach and small boobs? I really just got in the mood for this music video and wanted an excuse to blog about it. Thanks Meg, thanks! Sample this: