After many schedulings and postponings, we were finally able to meet with her last week to talk about the ideas that we had and where we wanted to go. Then yesterday, we went up to Auburn for all the old, crumbling gold-rush era buildings, and shot away! We found a little, dilapidated house that was all boarded up with no trespassing signs on it, but it had a front yard of beautiful, tall grass with wild daffodils and dandelions. That made for some good shots, as well as the long, brick wall in the alleyway that we started with. We ended the day in the middle of the street dodging cars. (Wait until you see those!)
My sister, Maddy, is a master esthetician, and did my makeup in a WWII era/pinup style for the first half of the day, and I attempted to do my hair, which I was amazed turned out as good as it did. It was such a blast! We got some amazing pictures, thanks to Sarah's AMAZING talent, and Maddy's flawless makeup. (I just stood or sat there and made a bunch of different faces and put my hands where they told me to!) Sarah's new super-camera put the icing on the cake. We did a couple makeup, jewelry, and shoe changes to add some variety to the shots. (Makeup by Maddy blog coming soon!)
I think I've found a new hobby! I really want to get into photography again. I used to love it in highschool. But, I eventually got frustrated with the developing and printing process, and I didn't like that I HAD to take pictures for a grade in a class. I wanted to just take pictures of whatever, whenever, and do whatever I wanted with the pictures. I really liked what I could do with the computer and learned a thing or two (literally) about Photoshop. I want to learn more about it, and make it a talent. Maybe in the future, if I'm any good at it, I can make a business out of it. I can work with Maddy and do portraits and weddings. I think I've found my niche. Needless to say, I'll be saving up for a nice camera.
Stay tuned for more pictures! Here's one for a peek at what's to come! This isn't even edited yet!