I need a business of my own.
I need a business of my own so that I can set my own hours, answer to nobody but myself, work as much as I want or as little as I want.
I need my own business to help me feel more self... self... self, uh, something. Self sufficient. If you know what I mean.
I want my own business so that I can make money doing or producing something that I enjoy doing or producing, instead of sitting in front of a computer all day answering phones and getting secretary butt (it's a really serious condition. Symptoms include but are not limited to the widening of the butt area), or waiting tables. I HATE waiting tables. Customer service sucks.
I want my own business so that I can feel the gratification of somebody liking something I made or did so much that they gave me money for it.
I want my own business so that I can still bring in some income when I have babies, because I do not want to have a "real" job when I have kids. I want to be able to spend as much time as I can with them, even if I'm working with a baby on my back or in a little play pen in my [home] office with me.
I want my own business in case something happens to Brett and I need something to fall back on.
I want my own business so that I can work a little extra if there is something that I want to buy for my husband, kids, or myself. My mom and grandma taught me about the importance of a woman having a little "mad money" stashed away for a rainy day. Even when Brett and I have been really strapped, I've tried to keep $10 or so in my sock drawer so that I could go buy myself some lip gloss or a Jamba or something. Shopping really does make me feel better. Always has. I don't know why.
I want my own business so that in addition to being able to blow my own money if I want to, I can also work a little extra to pay off this credit card faster, or pay that bill early, just to get it out of the way.
You know what I mean?