Saturday, March 28, 2009

I want these things so bad!

I have always SUCKED at doing my hair. I've always wondered how all the cute girls with cute hairstyles got their hair to do certain things, including being big and volumous. These fabulous little contraptions have given me an answer. I think I'll add these to my little list of things I'm going to do soon as part of my self-makeover. Oh, I don't think I told you - I'm getting a haircut in a couple of weeks! Woohoo!

And yes, I like the "Utah bump." I think it looks cute.


Meghan said...

LOVE IT! I want one so badly! Although I do think the Utahns are one step ahead. They've had hair like that for years. Just ask my mom! :-)

Lissy and Dan Valletta said...

Since when did you like Utah hair?! We've always made fun of it! That's a pretty cool'd be fun to use every once in a while...especially for fancy pics! Totally get it and let me know how it is. What are you going to do with your hair?