Here it is:
I disagree that eating meat is wrong or entirely bad for you. Heavenly Father agrees with me. I have a very strong testimony in the Word of Wisdom. It says that we should eat meat, but sparingly. Do you really think that Heavenly Father didn't intend for us to eat meat at all? I don’t. In fact, I know he didn’t. D&C 89:12-13 plainly states, “Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly; And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.”
When the Word of Wisdom was brought forth, what were the problems and bad habits of that time? Smoking, chewing, and drinking, but not eating habits. Even Joseph Smith liked him a good whiskey. The men were disgusting with their tobacco chewing. They would spit all over the floors, not only outside. In our modern times, we know that wine and beer do have some good qualities to them. One glass of wine, or one bottle of beer will not hurt you or make you an alcoholic. One glass of wine is even good for you, and beer has some good stuff in it too, as well as other liqueurs. You can make a little concoction of whiskey, lemon juice and honey for a child that has a cough. My husband’s family used that remedy, and I guess it works. We were even instructed to use wine in the Sacrament.
But, the idiots out there who have no self control, the ones who get drunk and hurt their bodies for fun are the ones who ruin it for the rest of us. It’s kind of like when you were a kid and your parents would take away a certain privilege or toy from all of you just because one of you couldn’t play nice. The masses were sacrificed because of the few. In the early 19th century, the drinking and smoking and spitting were getting out of hand. We had to be reminded that tobacco was for bruises and the animals, not for us. (Tobacco helps kill worms and stuff in horses and cows and other beasts of burden. My grandma used to feed tobacco to her horses once in a while.) It was to be used with “judgment and skill.” Because a few of us couldn’t use those things in moderation or in any proper way at all, the rest of us had to suffer and it was “taken away” from us.
As far as food is concerned, back then people were a little better about that kind of stuff. They probably ate as much if not more meat than we do now, but they were up and around working on their farms and doing all kinds of active chores. There were no computers or video games or TV for people to zone out in front of. There were no cars, so people walked if they didn't have a horse and/or wagon/buggy. They probably needed more calories in the winter to help them stay warmer without the heating systems we have today. It wasn't harmful for people to be omnivores because they could afford the extra calories and they didn’t eat processed junk food. Everything they ate was pure. It was all organic back then.
What if the Word of Wisdom was written in these days, when most of the country is obese from eating TOO MUCH crap? Do you think that the Word of Wisdom would be more specific about processed foods, candy, sweets, and all other manner of non-healthy junk food? I sure do. I also think that it would more specifically stress the need for all of us to get a decent amount of exercise. Yes, it is very harmful to your body if you eat too much meat or animal-type, processed products. (Trust me, I know this first hand. Where do you think my dad's heart attack(s) came from?) No, meat and dairy products do not have fiber, but they have protein. We need a little bit of what meat can offer us. Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water!
Aside from the health reasons to eat or not eat meat, there are the moral and ethical reasons. Now, keep in mind that I'm not really a steak-eater. I don't eat that much red meat. I don't even like poultry THAT much.
Well, that’s all I have to say about the war in Vietnam.
So I’m opinionated, so what?
Well go tell it how it really is!!! haha! You are so funny! You will not need any of my help in the mommy department and looking fab still...please! You are gorg hun!
And I have a Nikon D300, it's my baby! I intend to be famous because of it but, I do intend to put it to some good use!!!
Wow, that was quite the little essay. Girl you crack me up. I must say that if I could choose I would be quite the carnivor! I LOVE a good steak. I would eat it every night if I could but like you said we need to eat meat sparingly. I really don't know how people would prefer not to eat meat. Then again, I'm weird because I won't touch fish! I guess to each their own. ;)
hehe. This vegetarian elisse misses that omnivore morgan too!!
My ring is getting sized right now. I had been drooling over it at an antique shop for months now and eric broke me down and convinced me to just get it. But it was huge so it's getting sized until thursday. Lame.
I don't think we'll have time for an open house in Cali. I have to be in New York for training less than 48 hours after our wedding and Ill be in that until the middle of August. And then it's two much needed weeks in Puerto Rico and then school starts.
But, I will be having a bridal shower in Sacramento on the 12th of June. Im sure Steph will be getting a lovely formal invite to you soon!
And we might do something over christmas break so everyone can meet eric!
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